Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Violin Lessons in Oxford

After attending a "Peter and the Wolf Concert" my 5 year old, SC, decided he wanted to learn violin. A year later he was still asking, so we did some research and found a really great program that is run out of Miami. It came highly recommended, and its cost is pretty competitive with what I hear other instrument lessons, like piano, are going for now. We are hoping it will be an investment. Even if he doesn't keep up with violin, he's working on developing his musical abilities.

He's only been taking lessons for a month, but he loves his teacher and he still doesn't complain about practicing. Violin is a difficult instrument, and most of their first lessons are spent working on how to hold it properly with good form. He was allowed to use the bow for the first time this week. I was afraid SC would get bored with this beginning, tedious part, but SC's teacher has made it fun with cute rhymes and easy to practice assignments. She keeps saying "quality over quantity" concerning practice time.

Virginia Glick Young Musicians Program
Cost: $20/30 minute lesson. 3 Saturday group lessons are included free.
Follows Miami's schedule, one private lesson per week (15 total)
All students are encouraged to perform in the recital following each semester. Recitals are open to public, in Souers Hall at Miami.

AGE? 4 years old and up.

Violin Rental is $16/month from Baroque Violin Shop https://baroqueviolinshop.ppcserver.net/rentalform.php

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