Saturday, November 10, 2007

MU Zoology Museum

SH's favorite place on campus is what he calls "The Bone Museum." Actually the Heffner Zoology Museum (, it boasts a giant stuffed grizzly, several stuffed goats and rams, drawers full of sea shells, and even a cool diorama of giant bugs and worms. There are several "please touch" chests full of coral, shells, bones, horns and other treasures from nature. And right down the hall is the Imaginarium, a room geared toward the pre-K set with an enormous bird's nest and hollow log for the wee ones to climb around. There are elaborate dress-up costumes there to transform the kids into turtles, ladybugs, etc., and it's a good place to snuggle up and read one of the several nature books on hand. Don't forget to check out the other dioramas in the hallways of the building. And did I mention that the museum is free?
The only thing that keeps me from going to this museum more often is that parking is a hassle. The museum is in room 100 of Upham Hall, which is near Patterson Ave. If you have a campus parking pass, your best bet is to try to find a space in Cook Field. Bring a stroller, because it can be quite a long walk with a small child. If you don't have a pass, your options are: 1. Try to find a metered space somewhere, and walk. 2. Go to the parking office on campus (Room 15, Campus Avenue Bldg.) and get a temporary visitor's pass. It's free and lets you park pretty much anywhere on campus for about a week, I think. 3. Wait until Sunday, when parking in Cook Field is open to everyone.
The museum is open from 9-5 M-F year round, and from 1-4 on Sundays, except during the summer break.

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